Baby Loon is Growing Fast

It was another beautiful morning to be on the lake.  Just as I got into the kayak, mamma loon started calling and dancing to distract…
Loon Mom and Baby

Beautifiul Morning on the Lake

Another great morning on the lake.  It wasn’t too choppy and the sun was shining. There were lots of birds around the water this morning.…
Headed Home

An Evening and Morning Paddle

I was out on the lake Sunday evening and again Monday morning.  Both times of day are wonderful and have their own attraction.  Unfortunately, the…
Belted Kingfisher

Water Lilies and Kingfisher

Another quiet morning on the lake.  We heard the loons this morning and caught a glimpse of them at some distance, but not close enough…
Water Lily with Blue Water Reflection

Water Lilies Galore

This it the time of year that the water lilies are in full bloom at Duck Lake.  I’ve taken several photos of the lilies over…

Labor Day Weekend

So, is summer over?  Or, is this just a day on the calendar like any other?  With the weather over the weekend, I’d say summer…

Morning on Duck Lake

Saturday was another beautiful morning on Duck Lake in a kayak.  There was almost no wind and the lake was very flat.  There was a…

More from the Lake

Back in the kayak over the last couple days.  I wanted to share some more photos.  There is always something interesting to see on the…

View from the kayak

Well, I’ve been up at the lake for a week and haven’t posted, so here’s some  of the things I’ve seen from the kayak. These…