Rome – Vatican Museums – Ceilings

The Vatican museums contain an amazing collection of some of the most beautiful art in the world.  However, the museums themselves are also outstanding works of…
The Laocoon Group

Rome – Vatican Museums – Statues

The Vatican Museums originated as a group of sculptures collected by Pope Julius II (1503-1513). The popes were among the first sovereigns who opened the…
The Golden Rose

Siena – Duomo Museum – Misc

Well, we’ve seen many of the scupltures, a beautiful stained-glass window, and several paintings and icons from this museum.  There are several other areas of…
Flight into Egypt

Siena – Duomo Museum – Icons and Paintings

The museum has a large collection of paintings with gold backgrounds, many on wood.  Unfortunately, I don’t have very much info on these paintings, but…
Assumption of the Virgin

Siena – Duomo Museum – Sculptures and Stained Glass

We had the chance to visit Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, the museum of the cathedral. It contains sculptures, paintings, icons, and many other treasures. As you…