Koeze Stable Garden at Historic Barns Park

Within the property of the former state hospital in Traverse City, MI, is a lovely botanic garden comprised of numerous garden areas. We recently visited…

Traverse City Botanical Gardens

Back in late June, we visited the Traverse City Botanical Gardens at the Historic Barns Park.  We wandered around the grounds a bit and then…
Zinnia Side and Bottom

Flower Close-Ups

I was inspired by the flowers in our front garden and pulled out my macro lens.  I haven’t used this one for a while, so…
Redbud Tree in Full Bloom

Redbud and Dogwood

The redbud is in full bloom and is spectacular this year.  The dogwood, as usual, is a bit behind the redbud, but is starting to…

Dahlia Hill Society of Midland

A couple weeks ago, we visited Midland and the Dahlia Hill Society.  WOW! What a display of dahlias.  All kinds of dahlias.  Amazing colors and…

A Calm Day on the Lake

After a very windy day on Sunday causing white-caps on the lake, Monday afternoon was dead calm.  The lake was perfectly flat.  What a difference…
Bleeding Hearts in Barb's Garden

Barb’s Garden

OK, it could be Ollie’s garden, but I really think it’s Barb’s garden. Barb – You planted such a nice garden and all your plants…
Yellow Flower

More Signs of Spring

We continue to have warmer then usual temperatures here in southwestern Michigan.  The normal high is in the mid-40s, but today it will be in…
First crosuses of the season

Crocuses in Bloom

Today the temperature hit 70 degrees!  It’s only the 8th of March!  I’m loving it. I went for a jog this afternoon and saw the…

Flowers vs. Weeds

When I walk around the dirt roads and paths near here I see lots of blooms.  Are they flowers or are they weeds?  I guess…