Tag: Flowers

Traverse City Botanical Gardens
Back in late June, we visited the Traverse City Botanical Gardens at the Historic Barns Park. We wandered around the grounds a bit and then…

Flower Close-Ups
I was inspired by the flowers in our front garden and pulled out my macro lens. I haven’t used this one for a while, so…

Redbud and Dogwood
The redbud is in full bloom and is spectacular this year. The dogwood, as usual, is a bit behind the redbud, but is starting to…

Dahlia Hill Society of Midland
A couple weeks ago, we visited Midland and the Dahlia Hill Society. WOW! What a display of dahlias. All kinds of dahlias. Amazing colors and…

A Calm Day on the Lake
After a very windy day on Sunday causing white-caps on the lake, Monday afternoon was dead calm. The lake was perfectly flat. What a difference…

Barb’s Garden
OK, it could be Ollie’s garden, but I really think it’s Barb’s garden. Barb – You planted such a nice garden and all your plants…

More Signs of Spring
We continue to have warmer then usual temperatures here in southwestern Michigan. The normal high is in the mid-40s, but today it will be in…

Crocuses in Bloom
Today the temperature hit 70 degrees! It’s only the 8th of March! I’m loving it. I went for a jog this afternoon and saw the…
Flowers vs. Weeds
When I walk around the dirt roads and paths near here I see lots of blooms. Are they flowers or are they weeds? I guess…