Double Rainbow

Rome – Some Scenes from the Street

Well, we’ve visited many of the true wonders in Rome.  Now, we’ll visit some of the other places I passed by along the way.  …
Window at Night

Siena – Street Scenes 5 and Church Bells

This will be our final look at Siena.  These are some more shots from the street or our hotel window. This was the most unique…
Symbol of the Torre Contrada

Siena – Street Scenes 4

Siena is such a wonderful town in which to wander, so many things to see.  This post will show many sites found by wandering around.…
Menu of the Day

Siena – Baptistery and More Street Scenes

Battistero di San Giovanni (Baptistery of Saint John) was built between 1316 and 1325 by Camaino di Crescentino.  Recall from a post from Florence that…
Ceiling of Arch at Palazzo Chigi Saracini

Siena – Street Scenes 2

Continuing our walk through Siena, we come upon the Loggia della Mercanzia.   Loggia della Mercanzia ( Lodge of the Merchants), a meeting place for Siena’s…
Potted Flowers on Walls

Streets of Assisi – Part 2

Today we have one last look at Assisi.  These are just some scenes from the street.  I don’t have any real commentary on these other…