Siena – Street Scenes 5 and Church Bells

This will be our final look at Siena.  These are some more shots from the street or our hotel window.

Zebra Stripe Tower of the Duomo
Zebra Stripe Tower of the Duomo

This was the most unique image of the Madona, a very modern rendition.  Some translations might help.  elettricita = electricity.  OK, so that wasn’t so helpful.  However, “mostra d’arte, opera di L. Bichi” translates to  “art show by L. Bichi” with the arrow pointing the way,

Modern Madonna and Child
Modern Madonna and Child



San Pietro alle Scale, also known as San Pietro in Castelvechio, is just off Via San Pietro.  Initially built in the 12th century, it was rebuilt in the 17th century.  The bell tower dates to 1699 and the façade to 1706.

San Pietro alle Scale
San Pietro alle Scale


Entrance to San Pietro alle Scale
Entrance to San Pietro alle Scale


Laundry Day
Laundry Day


One item offered is “salamino al tarfufo”, “Sausage with truffles”.  Sound good?

Butcher Shop
Butcher Shop


Potable Water Faucet on Street
Potable Water Faucet on Street


This is a view from Tartucca Contrada La Palio, a park at the corner of Prato di San Agostino and Via Sant’Agata.

View from Tartucca Contrada La Palio
View from Tartucca Contrada La Palio

Just below the Tartucca Contrada La Palio is Chiesa di San Giuseppe.  The church was commissioned by the contrada dell’Onda and begun in 1521.  Construction continued for the whole century with the façade being finished in 1653 mostly in brickwork.

Chiesa di San Giuseppe
Chiesa di San Giuseppe


View of Torre del Mangia
View of Torre del Mangia

We managed to get back to the piazza just ahead of a heavy rain.

Rain in the Piazza
Rain in the Piazza

It was a good time for a treat.

Gelato Break
Gelato Break

I had seen this window during the day, but had no idea it was as beautiful at it is when lit at night.

Window at Night
Window at Night

The Torre del Magia is lit at night.  This image was taken from inside a walled courtyard next to the tower.

Torre del Mangia at Night
Torre del Mangia at Night

The rain continued, but that didn’t dampen the spirits of the football (soccer) fans.  This stadium was just outside our hotel window.  We could hear the cheering from our room.

Footbal (Soccer) Game
Footbal (Soccer) Game

Another treat from our window were the church bells.  Take a listen.  I’m sorry the image bounces around a bit.  Watching and listening to it now, I wish I had recorded a much longer video.

And with that, we will leave Siena.  I highly recommend that you visit Siena if you have the chance.  All 12 of the posts from Siena were the result of only 1.5 days of visiting.  We certainly didn’t see it all and I would love to go back.

Again, WikiPedia is the source of many of the facts presented in this post.

Next stop, Rome.

Also, as I post this on Christmas Eve, I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  


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