More Info on from St Patrick Church

In my previous post I showed the reredos altar and stained glass windows from St. Patrick Catholic Church in Kent County, MI.  I have gotten more info on the altar and windows and will share that with you here.  I contacted the staff at St. Patrick parish and they provided the new information, quoted below.

Alter Detail of St Patrick Church
Altar Detail of St Patrick Church

“The altar statues include John the Baptist on the left, Saint Patrick in the middle, and Saint Aloysius Gonzaga on the right. Saint Aloysius is the patron saint of teenagers, students, and those working during a pandemic. The parish has an Aloysius group for young men and we presume that group sponsored the statue.”  The reredos altar dates back to 1914 when it was purchased in Europe.

The stained glass windows currently in the church date back to 1926 and were purchased at a total cost of $4,655.

To see all the photos from the interior of St. Patrick Church, see my previous blog post.  For more on the history of the church, check out their website.


One thought on “More Info on from St Patrick Church

  1. Both the altar and the stained windows are amazing works. I would say they got a real bargain on those windows!

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