I hope you all got to see at least some of the solar eclipse yesterday. From the photos I’ve seen on the web, it was spectacular. Where I was viewing in southwest Michigan the eclipse reached 96% of totality. So, although I didn’t see 100% totality, I was able to capture this amazing event. Here is a sequence of photos I captured from beginning to end.
Click on the image to enlarge, then click again a even larger.
According to CNN, a total solar eclipse won’t be visible in the 48 states until August 22, 2044, but totality will only occur over North Dakota and Montana. However, there will be another the following year that will have a coast-to-coast path. So, keep your eclipse glasses handy
Outstanding sequence, Mark! I admire that you prepared, and then nailed this.
Thanks. I was glad I worked out all the settings a couple days ahead of the main event.
Bravo, Mark! Stellar images. I’m still under the weather a bit so it barely registered for me. Heading to the cabin TODAY! We need some down time.