Traverse City Botanical Gardens

Back in late June, we visited the Traverse City Botanical Gardens at the Historic Barns Park.  We wandered around the grounds a bit and then headed for the Koeze Stable Garden.  The grounds are beautiful, but the stable garden is really special.  Here are some photos.  I don’t have them all identified, but that doesn’t take away from their beauty.


Welcome to the Secret Garden

Chinese Guardian LionsChinese Guardian Lions


Chinese Guardian Lion
Chinese Guardian Lion

This is the gate into the Stable Garden.

Gate to the Stable Gardens
Gate to the Stable Gardens

The botanical gardens are open year-round and offer a large variety of beautiful plantings.  Stop at the visitor’s center and ask about a tour; well worth the time.


5 thoughts on “Traverse City Botanical Gardens

  1. I’m surprised we were not aware of this garden. The Foo Dogs kinda remind of you, at least the smile. Great pictures. Next stop Traverse City Botanical Gardens.

    1. It is actually named the Historic Barns Botanical Park. This amazing Botanic garden only began very few years ago. Most of the design and completed gardens we owe to Karen and Kurt Schmidt who worked there tirelessly for almost every day every summer for more years then I can count. THEY ARE THE REASON WE HAVE THESE GORGEOUS GARDENS!!

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