More from the Lake

Back in the kayak over the last couple days.  I wanted to share some more photos.  There is always something interesting to see on the lake.  Enjoy.



Reflections of Reeds
Reflections of Reeds
Morning Reflections
Morning Reflections


Bald Eaglebv
Bald Eaglebv
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
Water Lily
Water Lily
Water Lily
Water Lily


Snake Sunning at the Water
Snake Sunning at the Water
Kingfisher stretching its wings
Kingfisher stretching its wings
Kingfisher just about to fly
Kingfisher just about to fly




0 thoughts on “More from the Lake

  1. Great photos again. I was out kayaking yesterday morning for about three hours. The lake was very calm and quiet. Our bay was like glass. I saw dozens of turtles at “Turtle Point” (I guess it is really Hemlock Point), a few kingfishers, and an immature eagle flying above me in our bay. I haven’t seen the pair of loons that were in the south bay earlier this summer for quite some time now. Have you seen them around? I was hoping they were nesting down there again.

    1. I haven’t seen the pair of loons since Memorial weekend. There was a solo on the lake earlier in the week. No babies, either. 🙁

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