I was out on the lake Sunday evening and again Monday morning. Both times of day are wonderful and have their own attraction. Unfortunately, the water was a bit choppy both times. However, there was plenty to see on the lake.
We did catch another look at the loon family. It seems that they are all doing well. I couldn’t get any decent pictures due to the choppy water, so I’ll try again the next time I’m out.
There were hundreds of damselflies along the shore that evening. I managed to capture a couple of them.
The kingfishers were out looking for dinner. This one had just caught a fish and quickly ate it.
I caught this one just landing in a tree.
I saw a cedar waxwing on a previous trip out, but didn’t get a decent photo. Tonight I found it again in just about the same spot and got the shot. I don’t see them very often up here.
But the water was getting more choppy, so we headed home. Here is Polly against the setting sun.
Another small group went back out the next morning. It was a beautiful, sunny morning and I finally saw turtles warming themselves in the morning sun.
I think Rose was doing the same.
The water lilies were just opening for the day.
I spotted this one almost frozen in the sky looking for breakfast. It suddenly dove into the water and successfully captured its prey.
I spotted another brightly colored bird high in a tree that I don’t see very often, a Baltimore Oriole. It is a real treat to see them.
So, in spite of the water being a bit rough, it was well worth going out to see the beauty in and around the lake.
So, with that, I bid you all a wonderful Independence Day. Have fun and be safe.
HI Mark —
Great pictures. I believe the bird you identified as a Kingfisher is actually an Eastern Kingbird. It could one of the pair nesting on our pontoon boat (and preventing us using it this summer) … 😉
Chris – I believe you are correct on that. Sorry for the mistake. I’ve updated the page with the correct ID. Thanks for pointing that out. Sorry you can’t get your boat out.
Happy 4th! So glad you two can get out there and enjoy the surroundings. We stayed home, for several reasons, but it is quite busy up in the Sierras. With water levels so high, there is hardly any beach for those who frequent the area as tourists and there is still snow at higher elevations to ski. We’ll take some quieter days to get up to our tiny place. I like the pic of Rose in the kayak 🙂 Have fun!