One More Turtle

Finally on the Lake

We were finally able to get our kayaks in the lake.  The sun was warm and the water was pretty calm.  We got out Monday…

More Turtles

Back on the lake this week.  Here’s some more turtle photos.           I did see other animals, too, but will save…
Loon on Nest

Birds and Turtles (for Barb)

We got out on the lake a week ago (sorry I’m slow at posting these) and saw more birds and turtles, no snakes. It was…
Pair of Mergansers Taking Flight

Spring (?) at the Lake

We finally got the kayaks on the lake this weekend.  The lake has thrown off the blanket of winter, but seems to be slow in…

A Calm Morning on the Lake

Thursday morning, July 5.  I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.  I am constantly surprised by how quiet Duck Lake can be.  After…
How Many Turtles?

Back on the Lake!

Its been too long.  I’m sorry to have been away so long.  But, it is finally spring at the lake.  These were taken two weeks…
Bald Eagle in Pine Tree

Bald Eagle and Red Headed Woodpeckers

It was a bright, sunny morning on the lake.  We had no more than started heading toward the south end of the lake when we…
Loon Mom and Baby

Beautifiul Morning on the Lake

Another great morning on the lake.  It wasn’t too choppy and the sun was shining. There were lots of birds around the water this morning.…
Headed Home

An Evening and Morning Paddle

I was out on the lake Sunday evening and again Monday morning.  Both times of day are wonderful and have their own attraction.  Unfortunately, the…

Scenes from the Kayak

I’ve been out a few times in the kayak in Duck Lake.  Every year brings things that are familiar and things that are different.  This…