It was a bright, sunny morning on the lake. We had no more than started heading toward the south end of the lake when we spotted the bald eagle in a tall pine tree along the shore. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay put very long, and I was a ways off when it flew. I did manage to get a couple photos.

A bit further down, I heard birds making quite a racket. I spotted their bright red heads, a group of red headed woodpeckers.

There aren’t as many water lilies on the lake as there were earlier in the season. However, there were still a few that were beautiful, especially with the reflections.

There were also lots of turtles sunning on the logs along the water. For some reason, this one made me thing of rush hour on the turtle log.

I know we are getting closer to the end of summer, but there are lots of great days ahead. Get out there and see something interesting.