Back on the Lake!

Its been too long.  I’m sorry to have been away so long.  But, it is finally spring at the lake.  These were taken two weeks ago, Mother’s Day weekend.  I hope these are the beginning of a great summer at the lake.

Its kind of a photo-dump, but here ya go.


Duck in Flight
Duck in Flight

Lots of ducks on the lake.  This one was suddenly in a hurry to get across the lake.

Nest Building
Nest Building

Spring time.  Time to build nests.


Swans and I haven’t always gotten along (long story), but this one and its mate gave me wide berth.

Turtles on a Log
Turtles on a Log

Great to see the turtles out sunning themselves.

Marsh Marigolds
Marsh Marigolds

I took a quick trip up Horton’s Creek where there were lots of these marsh marigolds.

Spring Loon
Spring Loon

Good to see the loons back.  This one still had its winter colors.

Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper

I chased this spotted sandpiper down the lake shore until it landed here.

How Many Turtles?
How Many Turtles?
How Many Turtles?
How Many Turtles?
How Many Turtles?
How Many Turtles?
How Many Turtles?
How Many Turtles?

There were lots of turtles.  I think there are 15 turtles in a couple of these photos.  How many can you count?

Young Eagle
Young Eagle

This was one of the two eagles we saw that morning.  A mature eagle soared overhead and this young one watched us from a tree.

Spring is here!


4 thoughts on “Back on the Lake!

  1. Fabulous Mark. Can’t wait to get up there to see everybody and see some of this wildlife in person.

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