Spring (?) at the Lake

We finally got the kayaks on the lake this weekend.  The lake has thrown off the blanket of winter, but seems to be slow in waking up to spring.  It was still good to be on the lake to see what it offers.

We chased this pair of merganser ducks most of the way around the south end of the lake.  We would get close and they would swim or fly a bit further ahead of us.  We’d catch up with them again, and they would move a bit further along.

Male Merganser Duck
Male Merganser Duck


Pair of Mergansers Taking Flight
Pair of Mergansers Taking Flight

We saw several red-winged blackbirds, but they were pretty elusive.  Most were hidden along the shore.

Red-Winged Blackbird
Red-Winged Blackbird

Turtles were scattered along the shore.  These were in the cove by Horton’s Creek.

Turtles on a Log
Turtles on a Log

There are always lots of turtles at the point across from OCC.  I heard lots of splashing as most turtles abandoned their log, but I did capture this log-full of turtles.

Turtle Pileup
Turtle Pileup


Turtle Traffic Jam
Turtle Traffic Jam

There were logs enough for everyone, but they were all piled up on one another here.

We ventured up Horton’s Creek a ways.  There is still a beaver house at the first turn and a second one a short ways up stream.  We didn’t make it to the beaver dam due to a tree down across the creek.  The marsh marigolds were in bloom.

Marsh Marigold
Marsh Marigold

I don’t see many snakes in the water, but did see this one on the east shore just north of the cove at Horton’s Creek.

Snake in the Water
Snake in the Water



I hope you enjoy all spring has to offer.


8 thoughts on “Spring (?) at the Lake

  1. Always love seeing your beautiful pics Mark.Happy for you & Rose to do so many things together.Thanks for sharing.!!

  2. Hi Mark, glad that you got your kayaks out on the lake. We have been up here since last Thursday, and paddled Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and today. We have seen a few loons (could not locate a nest on the south end of the lake this year), swans, mallards and lots of mergansers, eagles, and turtles galore. We also have been up the creek, and my friend Angie thinks that first “home” is a muskrat lodge and not a beaver lodge. Looking at pictures on line, it does seem to look like that. Google it and see what you think. We ran into that same tree across the creek that you did and could not make it to where we have seen a beaver dam in the past. The guys have caught record amounts of fish! They got 21 pounds (15 fish) this morning. Guess what we are having for dinner tonight?? Hope to see you on the lake this summer.

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