South Long Lake Forest Trail Color

A Couple Hikes

 I took a couple hikes while up at the cabin last week.  Here are some of thee photos. First up, the South Long Lake Forest…
Fall Color

Orchestra Camp Colony in the Fall

I was back up at the cabin last week.  The color has really come on strong in the previous week.  Here’s a few pictures around…
Red Leaf on Rail at High Rollaway

Some Fall Color

We were at the cabin last weekend and took a drive in search of fall color.  The color is quite late this year, and may…

Beautiful Clouds

It was a sunny afternoon on the lake.  I took about 160 photos and stitched them together into a time lapse video.  I hope you…

Polly’s Birthday Paddle

Yesterday was Polly’s birthday.  I had the pleasure to accompany her for an evening paddle.  It was a very calm evening; the water was flat. …

Morning Kayak

The sun came out this morning and we got out on the lake.  At first the winds were calm and the water flat.  We saw…

A Blue Sunset

We went over to Esch Rd. Beach the other evening, hoping to see a nice sunset.  It wasn’t spectacular, but I did get some images…

Quiet on the Lake

We went out for a mid-morning paddle.  The lake was very quiet.  We had a very smooth surface and very little animal activity.  So, there’s…

Summer Flowers

After a couple days of storms and wind, it is nice to see the sun shinning.  We have some zinnias and grasses planted in front…

Flat Waters

It was a beautiful morning to be on the lake.  After a few windy days, the lake was very calm.  We saw a trio of…