Morning Kayak

The sun came out this morning and we got out on the lake.  At first the winds were calm and the water flat.  We saw a few birds, but it was pretty quiet.  There were more kayaks and paddle boards than motor boats.

This kingfisher flitted from tree to tree ahead of us.  They never stand still very long.

We caught sight of this eagle as it flew toward the south end of the lake.  It lit in a tree back away from the shore.

We don’t see many sail boats on the lake, so it was a treat to see this one.  It was a great morning for that.

Then, just as we were nearing our shore, we saw another eagle.  It was in this pine tree just north of a large tree that is down in the water.  It sat in the tree watching us, but stayed in place long enough for me to get these photos.  I was afraid the rocking of the kayak was going to prevent getting sharp photos, but I got a few out of the couple dozen shots I took.

As we neared home, both the wind and the motor boat traffic picked up.  We were glad to have gotten in our paddle when we did.  I hope you will enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend.



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