Quiet on the Lake

We went out for a mid-morning paddle.  The lake was very quiet.  We had a very smooth surface and very little animal activity.  So, there’s not many animals in today’s photos.

The water lilies were in full bloom and had great reflections due to the calm water.

The only birds we saw were kingfishers.  This one stopped long enough in the tree so I could get a photo.

These cat tails were at the south end of the lake.

When I got back to shore, I found this little frog.

It was still a great morning for a paddle.  I hope you can get out and enjoy the sights of the day.


3 thoughts on “Quiet on the Lake

  1. Hi Mark, I was out paddling this morning, too, a bit later than you. I did see quite a few turtles (and heard more plopping into the lake from their log perches), a couple kingfishers, an eagle flying high overhead, and a cormorant very near “Turtle Point” on my return trip from the south bay. I heard the loons call several times, but they seemed to be in the middle of the lake, and I never did spot them. Such a pretty day for kayaking.

  2. So glad you can have the time at the lake. The AQI was 500, extremely hazardous over the weekend at our cabin. I don’t know when we will get back up there. After missing 2 summers there, this was the highly anticipated summer to have some fun :-(. I like the water lily images and all the variety of color in the lily pads. xo

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