Saint Peter's at Night

Rome – Evening Scenes

The evenings came early in Rome in November, long before time for dinner.  On our first evening in Rome, I stepped out of the hotel,…
Icon in High Alter of Santa Maria in Traspontina

Rome – Santa Maria in Traspontina

We were able to celebrate mass at Santa Maria in Traspontina, just a block away from our hotel, and only about 4 blocks from Vatican…
Alabaster Dove Window

Rome – St. Peter’s Basilica Interior

During Nero’s great Christian persecution in 64 A.D., Saint Peter was martyred, crucified, and buried in Caligula’s Circus.  After Constantine’s Edict of Milan (313 A.D.)…

Rome – Vatican Museums – Ceilings

The Vatican museums contain an amazing collection of some of the most beautiful art in the world.  However, the museums themselves are also outstanding works of…
The Laocoon Group

Rome – Vatican Museums – Statues

The Vatican Museums originated as a group of sculptures collected by Pope Julius II (1503-1513). The popes were among the first sovereigns who opened the…
Basilica di San Pietro and Piazza San Pietro

Rome – St Peters and Vatican City Area

Although the Colosseum and Piazza Navona are two of the favorite tourist attractions in Rome, the Basilica of St. Peter and Vatican City are the…
Fontana del Nettuno

Rome – Piazza Navona

The location, size, and shape of Piazza Navona was dictated by the site’s earlier structure, the Stadium of Domitian (dedicated in 86 AD).  The Stadium…

Rome – Colosseum

The Colosseum is one of the most recognized and visited sites in Rome.   The Colosseum is the largest Amphitheatre ever built.  Construction began under the emperor Vespasian in…

Rome – Travel to Rome and Views near the Colosseum

We left Siena and headed for Rome.  This post will show some images along the way and some views near the Colosseum, our first stop.…