Category: Southwest Michigan

Beautiful Sunrise
I looked out the window this morning and saw the sky on fire. The clouds were a spectacular red. Here’s a few photos before the…

Time Lapse Video of Nighttime Clouds
I went out the other evening, hoping to find clear skies full of stars. The moon was very nearly in the New Moon phase, so…

A bit more fall color
Here in the Kalamazoo area, we are still a bit short of peak color. I took a drive west of town Monday with my mom…

Summer Flower Gardens
With the peak of summer upon us, I needed to photograph some of the summer flowers, butterflies, and birds in the gardens around our house. …

Day Lily Time Lapse
I noted the other morning that the day lilies tended to open in the morning and close in the evening. I wondered if I could…

Trilliums and Other Signs of Springs
Although these photos are almost two weeks old, I hope you enjoy the signs of spring. The crab apple tree was brilliant again this…

Sunset at Three Lakes
Yesterday was a beautiful day, sunny, clear skies, warm, just what spring should be. After spending a wonderful afternoon and evening with a good friend,…

More Signs of Spring
We’ve had a mix of warm, sunny days with cold, rainy days. In spite of the typical Michigan spring weather, there are signs that spring…

Cedar Waxwings
We had a treat outside our window today. This morning we noticed a group of cedar waxwings eating crab apples in the tree just behind…