Fire in the Sky

Beautiful Sunrise

I looked out the window this morning and saw the sky on fire.  The  clouds were a spectacular red.  Here’s a few photos before the…

Time Lapse Video of Nighttime Clouds

I went out the other evening, hoping to find clear skies full of stars.  The moon was very nearly in the New Moon phase, so…
Fence Row and Barn

Snow in the Back Woods

Well, the groundhog has rendered his decision; six more weeks of winter.  Around here, that would be a good thing, only 6 more weeks.  But,…
Wooden Fence and Corn Field

A bit more fall color

Here in the Kalamazoo area, we are still a bit short of peak color.  I took a drive west of town Monday with my mom…
Hosta Blossoms with Bee

Summer Flower Gardens

With the peak of summer upon us, I needed to photograph some of the summer flowers, butterflies, and birds in the gardens around our house. …
Day Lilies

Day Lily Time Lapse

I noted the other morning that the day lilies tended to open in the morning and close in the evening.  I wondered if I could…

Trilliums and Other Signs of Springs

  Although these photos are almost two weeks old, I hope you enjoy the signs of spring. The crab apple tree was brilliant again this…
Sunset at Three Lakes

Sunset at Three Lakes

Yesterday was a beautiful day, sunny, clear skies, warm, just what spring should be.  After spending a wonderful afternoon and evening with a good friend,…
Flowering Quince

More Signs of Spring

We’ve had a mix of warm, sunny days with cold, rainy days.  In spite of the typical Michigan spring weather, there are signs that spring…
Cedar Waxwing in the Crab Apple Tree

Cedar Waxwings

We had a treat outside our window today.  This morning we noticed a group of cedar waxwings eating crab apples in the tree just behind…