Signs of Spring

I’m a bit behind with my posts, but I wanted to share these signs of spring from a couple weeks ago.  

Old-Fashioned Daffodil
Old-Fashioned Daffodil


Early Crab Apple Leaves
Early Crab Apple Leaves




Small Daffodils
Small Daffodils


Wild Violets
Wild Violets




Star Magnolia Blossom
Star Magnolia Blossom


Star Magnolia Blossom
Star Magnolia Blossom

I hope you are enjoying spring where you live.


2 thoughts on “Signs of Spring

  1. Beautiful, Mark. We miss the daffodils here in MO because we get back too late to see them, but the redbuds and dogwoods are just gorgeous this year. Thanks for sharing your photos.

    1. Thanks, Janet. The forsythia and daffodils have been very nice this year. The red bud has been out about a week, now, but I haven’t had a chance to photograph it. I hope to before its all gone.

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