Snow in April

What ever happened to the expression about April showers bringing May flowers?  Well, I think Mother Nature got a bit confused today.  It is April 6 and the showers we got were snow showers.  There were some nice signs of spring yesterday with the Forsythia in full bloom and the daffodils starting to blossom, too.  Here’s the view as of this morning.

Daffodil in the Snow
Daffodil in the Snow


Forsythia Bush in the Snow
Forsythia Bush in the Snow


Forsythia Blossoms in the Snow
Forsythia Blossoms in the Snow


More Forsythia in the Snow
More Forsythia in the Snow

We are supposed to get up to 4 inches of snow before this is over, the turn to rain.  The forecast for the weekend is for sun and 60-70 degrees.  Welcome to Michigan Springtime.



2 thoughts on “Snow in April

    1. I’d say it isn’t a contest, but sure it is. You win, or maybe you lose. Ours is already melting and it will be in the 60s to maybe 70 this weekend.

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