Year: 2014
View at the Lake
It was an overcast morning as I drove to work today. I stopped at Three Lakes to see what I might find. I wasn’t disappointed.…
Trilliums (late post)
I took these photos of trilliums a couple weeks ago and am just getting around to post them. As I stated in an earlier post,…
Great Weekend at the Lake
Here it is, Memorial Day weekend. We have waited for warm weather and the long weekend. Well, we got both this weekend. Sunny skies, warm…
Early Morning Fog
Driving to work yesterday morning I passed Three Lakes in Richland. The sun was just up into the clouds a bit and there was some…
Signs of Spring
It looks like Spring has come to Orchestra Camp Colony. Driving up on Friday afternoon the woods were spectacular with trilliums. Although it was…
More Winter Scenes from OCC
Sunday morning came and the sun was a wonderful sight. Blue skies and shadows. Still, Spring will be most welcome this year.
It may be late March, but it isn’t Spring!
Well, the calendar may say Spring, but it doesn’t take long to figure out that winter still has a strong grip on this part of…