A Beautiful Morning on Duck Lake

It was another of those quiet mornings on the lake, the surface so smooth.  A good morning for the water fowl as well. This mallard…

Spring at OCC

Here it is, early May.  Last time I was here there was still 2 feet of snow on the ground.  Not any more.  The leaves…

Cotton Tree

Well, winter is finally here.  Although not the first snow of the season, this snow may last a while. The way snow piled up on…

Baby Loons on Duck Lake

Rose and I were kayaking near the south end of the lake and found a wonderful surprise.  We saw Mom and Dad Loon with their…

Orchestra Camp Colony Blog

At the urging of some members of the colony that we needed a website or blog, I’ve decided to try my hand at this. If…

Ice Caps

Took a trip to Northern Michigan for a long weekend and made it to the tip of the Leelanau Peninsula (the little finger of Michigan’s lower peninsula).…

Snow Man

It was great to have all the kids home for the holidays.  Being empty-nesters most of the time, the noise and activity were music to…

Christmas Tree – HDR (Revisited)

In my last post, I showed an image of our family Christmas tree with a bit of a twist, using HDR techniques to give it…

Christmas Tree – HDR

Here’s another photo just to whet your appetite.  This is a photo of our Christmas tree this year.  It was a rather nice tree, if…

Christmas Lights

A neighbor of mine always has a great display of Christmas lights.  The whole family spends the day after Thanksgiving putting up the lights, from…