Christmas Tree – HDR (Revisited)

In my last post, I showed an image of our family Christmas tree with a bit of a twist, using HDR techniques to give it an unusual look.  In this post, I will show you the original image, and another HDR image that is not quite so over the top.

Christmas Tree – Normal

Here is the Christmas tree as shot using the exposure suggested by my in-camera meter.  I gave it a little post-capture tweaking, but this is pretty much the way it came out of the camera.

Christmas Tree – HDR Light

This image is, again, an HDR image using the same starting exposures described in the last post.  However, I took a much lighter hand with this one.

Christmas Tree – HDR Heavy

And here is the original image shown last time.  It has a very different look to it than the others.  But, you decide.  Which one do you prefer?  How might you use each image?  For example, I think the last one might make a good image for a Christmas card next year.

Your thoughts?

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