Ducks on Duck Lake

Again, I’m more than a week behind, but I did get out on the lake during our last trip north.  There were lots of ducks on the water.  Here’s a few examples.

Pair of Hooded Mergansers
Pair of Hooded Mergansers


Merganser trying to Take Off
Merganser trying to Take Off


Duck in Flight
Duck in Flight


All my Ducks in a Row in Flight
All my Ducks in a Row in Flight

This is a good time to venture up Horton Creek since the weeds are not growing and the water is plenty high.  It was a very calm paddle up stream until I came to the beaver dam.

Beaver Dam
Beaver Dam

The dam completely crossed the creek, blocking further progress, and the sound of the water flowing through the dam is impressive.  

There were also a few turtles basking in the sun.

Turtle Taking in the Sun
Turtle Taking in the Sun


Another Turtle
Another Turtle

It is always interesting to see the lake and lake shore early in the spring.  It was a sunny day, a bit cool, but quite pleasant, and still I had the entire lake to myself.  I’m certainly willing to share, so come on out and enjoy what the lake has to offer.


One thought on “Ducks on Duck Lake

  1. I enjoyed all these pics Mark,I’m a nature lover of most everything..
    Thanks for posting.

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