Calm Evening on the Lake

I was fortunate enough to do two kayak evenings on the lake with Polly, Barb, Laurie, and Pete.  The wind and water were calm.  The sunset was beautiful.  The full moon came up.  Here are some of the photos from these evening cruises.

First for some wildlife.  It was a real treat to see the four-point buck white tail deer.  It was along the shore, actually standing on a section of dock or boardwalk along the water.  The 4 kayaks were able to drift in quite close to the deer, as close as about 25 feet at one time.  The deer would raise its head, look right at us, and then go on with eating the grass.  The antlers were in the velvet.  He eventually just wandered away, never showing any signs of concern or alarm with us being so close.

Four-Point Buck in the Velvet Along Lakeshore
Four-Point Buck in the Velvet Along Lakeshore
Four-Point Buck in the Velvet Along Lakeshore
Four-Point Buck in the Velvet Along Lakeshore

Next up was a juvenile bald eagle.  It was perched in the top of a pine tree.  It also certainly knew we were watching, but it was content to watch us, too, posing for our pictures.

Juvenile Bald Eagle in Tree Along the Shore
Juvenile Bald Eagle in Tree Along the Shore
Juvenile Bald Eagle in Tree Along the Shore
Juvenile Bald Eagle in Tree Along the Shore

We also saw a pair of loons.  At first I thought one of them had a damage leg since it was up in the air at an odd angle.  However, it apparently was just scratching itself because the leg quickly went back under the loon and it swam away.

Loon with Leg Extended
Loon with Leg Extended
Pair of Loons
Pair of Loons

I guess that these damsel flies also count as wildlife, but they are certainly not so uncommon on the lake.  However, this was one of the first times I was able to photograph them.

Damsel Flies on Lily Pad
Damsel Flies on Lily Pad

Another interesting sight was where the wind had flipped one of the lily pads up, displaying the underside of the leaf.  The red color stands in sharp contrast to the green on the other side.

Red Underside of a Lily Pad
Red Underside of a Lily Pad

Now, for the sunset and full moon.

Sunset over the Bow of the Kayak
Sunset over the Bow of the Kayak
Three Paddlers Headed Home
Three Paddlers Headed Home
Full Moon with Details
Full Moon with Details
Going Home
Going Home
Full Moon and Reflection
Full Moon and Reflection

And now for a funny story.  As I was getting my kayak moved from the rack to the water’s edge, I noticed a mouse inside my kayak.  It wasn’t the first time I’ve had a mouse in there, so I just flipped the kayak up and tried to chase it out.  Well, before I was finished, I had removed one dead mouse and 3 other mice.  Quite a family had taken up residence in my kayak.  Finally rid of the mice, we headed out onto the water.  Just as we were returning, I felt something run up my pant leg, yes, another mouse.  It hopped up onto the top of the kayak and sprinted for the bow.  It stood there looking over the water.  Finally, it jumped into the water and started swimming for shore.

Mouse Swimming to Shore
Mouse Swimming to Shore

Not a great shot of a swimming mouse, but it was getting quite dark and this was the best I could do.

So, these kayak adventures were a wonderful way to bring the days to a close.  I look forward to many more adventures on the lake and hope that your weekend is full of wonderful adventure, too.


5 thoughts on “Calm Evening on the Lake

  1. you sure do take amazing and beautiful pictures Mark,I love them all==can’t imagine a mouse running up pant leg.!!YIKES!!

    1. Yes, I’m glad I was wearing long pants and it ran up the OUTSIDE of the pants! It happened so fast I really didn’t have a chance to give it much thought at the time, only after I saw it on top of the kayak.

    1. I’m not sure why the mice like my kayak and not Rose’s. Hers is on the lower rack and mine above. Both are well above the ground and it would be tough to get inside mine the way I have it positioned.

  2. looks like a wonderful time on the water ~ the mouse story reminds me of the time I put my book on on the back steps in the garage and there was a mouse in my boot LOL

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