Bleeding Hearts in Barb's Garden

Barb’s Garden

OK, it could be Ollie’s garden, but I really think it’s Barb’s garden. Barb – You planted such a nice garden and all your plants…

TC Commons Tour

Rose and I did the guided historic tour at TC Commons, formerly the TC State Hospital.  Wonderful tour.  It is such a great story, both…

Duck Lake Clouds – Time Lapse

Although we woke up to 1/2 inch of snow over the weekend, the days did warm nicely and big puffy clouds formed in the sky.…

Trilliums and Other Signs of Springs

  Although these photos are almost two weeks old, I hope you enjoy the signs of spring. The crab apple tree was brilliant again this…
Sunset at Three Lakes

Sunset at Three Lakes

Yesterday was a beautiful day, sunny, clear skies, warm, just what spring should be.  After spending a wonderful afternoon and evening with a good friend,…
Flowering Quince

More Signs of Spring

We’ve had a mix of warm, sunny days with cold, rainy days.  In spite of the typical Michigan spring weather, there are signs that spring…