In Search of the Full Moon

We had just arrived at the cabin and stopped at Bud’s for a quick bite and to listen to Jim Hawley’s music.  Before we could even order our sandwiches, we were invited to go on a full moon kayak paddle.  How could we turn that down?

Polly, Barb, Rose, and I headed out just before 9:00.

Rose, Barb, and Polly
Rose, Barb, and Polly

We headed out to the South end of the lake and watched the sun set.

Sun Set 02
Sun Set 02
Sun Set 01
Sun Set 01

Meanwhile, we waited for the moon.

Rose, Barb, and Polly again
Rose, Barb, and Polly again

And waited…

Pretty Sky
Pretty Sky

And waited …….

Color of Water 2
Color of Water 2
Color of Water
Color of Water

We finally were headed back to shore when…

Full Moon
Full Moon

we finally saw the moon.  It was worth the wait.

Polly, Barb, and Rose
Polly, Barb, and Rose

Thank you Polly and Barb for inviting us along for your paddling adventure.  I hope we can do this again soon.


0 thoughts on “In Search of the Full Moon

  1. Why, we had the same idea last night! We watched the moon creep over the trees, and it was quickly full and in the sky. The lake was dead calm in our bay, and we enjoyed a nice peaceful paddle to the end of our peninsula and back. Hope to do it all over again tonight.

  2. A beautiful evening and some beautiful photos, Mark. The full moon was nice here in GR, too, but nothing like what you kayakers experienced!

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