Spring Comes to OCC

It looks like spring has finally come to OCC.  The ice is off the lake.

Duck Lake in Spring
Duck Lake in Spring

OK, so there is still snow in the shady areas on the shore.

Still a bit of snow on the shore
Still a bit of snow on the shore

But there were blue skies and sun, but the leaves will take a while.

Blue Skies, but no leaves
Blue Skies, but no leaves

We even got the kayaks out onto the lake.  It was a bit rough just around the point south of our beach, but still a lot of fun.

First Kayak of the Season
First Kayak of the Season

But, hey, it’s a really good start.

I’m looking forward to seeing all our OCC friends back up here soon.  Safe travels.


0 thoughts on “Spring Comes to OCC

  1. Good to see you back, Mark. Looking forward to the return of the entire OCC clan, who I really just started to get to know at Celia’s end of summer party. Your neighbors, Don and Michael.

  2. It is always such a joy to see your pics but it is especially joy filled when we know we will be seeing you and Duck Lake in the not so distant future. Thanks, Mark. Hugs to you and Rose!

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