Just another morning on the lake (I wish)

Its been a couple weeks since we have been up to the lake and we wanted to get out in the kayaks.  Saturday was threatening…

Another Guest Blog

This must be a record, three posts on the same day, so be sure to scroll all the way down to catch all of them.…

A much calmer day

I was back out in the kayak this morning.  The winds had died down and the water was flat, like a mirror.  Beautiful.  Again, I…

Another view from the kayak

Today was one of those beautiful days in northern Michigan.  Cool and dry, just a light breeze.  Its what I call Up North Weather.  Although…

Guest Photographer – Jane Shoup

We are all in for a treat today. It is a long post, but I don’t think you will be disappointed.  Today’s post is dedicated…

Lily Pads

Another great morning in the kayak.  OK, the wind was a little brisk and the water was a little rough, but it was still a…

Photographic Trifecta

WOW!  What a morning Friday was.  I was driving to work, going by Three Lakes just outside Richland, and saw a very nice sunrise. So,…

Evening Kayak

I don’t usually kayak in the evening, but rather early in the morning.  However, it was such a nice evening that I decided to venture…

Weeds vs. Wild Flowers

Inspired by a blossom just outside my front door, I started looking for other blossoms.  My search took me around the yard and down State…

View from the kayak

Well, I’ve been up at the lake for a week and haven’t posted, so here’s some  of the things I’ve seen from the kayak. These…