Photographic Trifecta

WOW!  What a morning Friday was.  I was driving to work, going by Three Lakes just outside Richland, and saw a very nice sunrise.

Sunrise on Three Lakes
Sunrise on Three Lakes

So, I had to stop and take a picture of it.  The lake was calm and the sky was beautiful.  I took several more photos , when I turned around to the lake on the other side of the road and saw…

Rainbow on Three Lakes
Rainbow on Three Lakes

the rainbow.  So, at this point, I’m really excited to have such a nice sunrise and a rainbow.  Again, I took several other photos, packed up, and headed on to work.  Not 200 yards down the road, a very large bald eagle swooped down in front of me.  I pulled the car off the side of the road and grabbed the camera again.  Darn.  I still have the wide angle lens on, so I couldn’t zoom in very well.  I took a couple pictures and decided to make the switch.  I asked the eagle to stay put long enough to grab my long lens.  He complied with my wishes.

Bald Eagle in Tree
Bald Eagle in Tree

He just sat there posing for me.  Eventually he flew down the lake shore a short distance and I followed.  The view wasn’t as good as this one, but it was still so much fun to see this magnificent bird.

I headed on to work, knowing that this was a very special morning.



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