An Evening Visitor

We had an evening visitor last night.  A young screech owl was sitting on the back of a bench on our porch at the cabin.  I was able to sneak out the back door, make my way to the front, and get a few pictures before he/she got tired of being photographed and flew into the trees.  It was after sundown, so was quite dark, but I was able to get a few photos.  They are a little grainy and soft, but at least I captured the owl.

Neighbors had alerted us that there were some owls in the area.  We’ve since heard that one neighbor has seen four of them together.  We hope to see them again.


Young Screech Owl on the Porch
Young Screech Owl on the Porch

Young Screech Owl on the Porch
Young Screech Owl on the Porch

So, keep your eyes open for the owls.


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