The Lake to Ourselves

This morning was the first that we put our kayaks in the lake.  It was a still morning and the water was pretty flat, a great morning for the kayaks.  We had the lake to ourselves, well, almost.  There were no other boats out when we headed out, but there was a sea plane buzzing around by the time we finished.

However, there was some critters in and around the lake.

First up, we saw an otter.  We don’t usually see them just around the first point south of us, but there it was.

Lake Otter just off the Point
River Otter just off the Point

We thought it might have been a muskrat, but the shape just wasn’t right.

This tree swallow was flying low and landed on one of the bird boxes.  I’m glad it came to rest so I could get a picture.

Tree Swallow on Bird Box
Tree Swallow on Bird Box


Tree Swallow on Bird Box
Tree Swallow on Bird Box

Rose was the first to spot this eagle.  It flew up away from us.  I was able to see it land in a white pine.  I kept my eye on the tree so I could find it again for pictures.  But, before we got there, it flew again along with a second eagle, back into the trees.

Bald Eagle Flying Away
Bald Eagle Flying Away

The sun was not shining at all while we were out, so I didn’t expect to see many turtles.  I saw only two, and this was the only photo I could get.

Turtle on a Log
Turtle on a Log

There was a pair of mallard ducks near the south end of the lake.  They took flight, but only going about 100 yards ahead, then swimming around back behind us.

Pair of Mallard Ducks
Pair of Mallard Ducks

In the cove at the south end of the lake we found another otter.  This one didn’t seem to be afraid of us.  In fact, it swam up to within about 15 feet of me in the kayak.  Here are several photos.

Lake Otter Eating Breakfast
River Otter Eating Breakfast


Lake Otter
River Otter


Lake Otter
River Otter


Lake Otter Checking Me Out
River Otter Checking Me Out


Lake Otter Getting Closer
River Otter Getting Closer


Lake Otter Getting Closer
River Otter Getting Closer

Otters are quite curious and this one was no exception.  It was not aggressive in the least, but at a distance of about 15 feet, I decided it was time to move along.

8 thoughts on “The Lake to Ourselves

  1. Thanks for the early spring lake trip. I think you were right to give way to that otter. Your early paddle probably violated the unwritten rule on whose lake it is this time of year.

    1. Definitely the otter’s lake. I hate to encroach on any critter’s space just to get the picture. That’s why I use a long lens and crop the images. I’m frequently surprised when the various critters come up to me or show no concern about my presence.

  2. I love all your pic’s again Mark.Never seen most of these blessing’s from God.!Thank you very much & keep enjoying your beautiful N. country.!!

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