Eagle in the Morning

Another beautiful morning on the lake.  Not much activity, though.  A couple turtles and shore birds, but pretty quiet. 

Then I spied this eagle soaring above.

Eagle Soaring Away
Eagle Soaring Away

Darn!  It was too fast and I was too slow to catch him coming at me.  But, then it circled back …

Eagle Circling Back
Eagle Circling Back

just doing lazy loops over my head.

Finally, it flew straight at me overhead.

Eagle Soaring Overhead
Eagle Soaring Overhead

and came in for a landing.

Eagle Coming In for a Landing
Eagle Coming In for a Landing

I thought I was about to be breakfast, but it landed in a tree right in front of me, and sat there, posing.

Eagle Looking Over the Lake
Eagle Looking Over the Lake


Eagle Looking Over Lake
Eagle Looking Over Lake

I had to paddle away from the tree to even get a glimpse of him, but the wind kept pushing me back under the tree.  Beautiful!

Glad I wasn’t on the menu


7 thoughts on “Eagle in the Morning

  1. Hi Mark —

    Nice pictures of the eagle. We saw him a couple of times over the weekend, but never up close and personal like that. Keep up the great photos. It’s really good to keep track of the wildlife on the lake.

  2. Those are some amazing photos. The soaring, and landing ones have great detail. I didn’t see any while I was up there, but I was only on the lake in the afternoon.

    1. It was so close! Easy to get that kind of detail under those conditions. Didn’t know you got on the lake. I prefer mornings and evenings.

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