Photos from Jane Shoup

Jane, our neighbor across the lake, has been taking photos of the loons the last week or so.  As some of you know, Mamma Loon had been on the nest at the south end of the lake.  Well, it looks like her efforts paid off.  This was taken about 6/21.

Mamma Loon from South end of Lake
Mamma Loon from South end of Lake

The next day while near the north end of the lake, she saw another Mamma, this one with twins.

Mamma Loon from North end of Lake with TWINS!
Mamma Loon from North end of Lake with TWINS!

And about a week later, saw the southern Mamma and baby again.  Look how much baby has grown.

Mamma Loon from South end of Lake - 1 Week Later
Mamma Loon from South end of Lake – 1 Week Later

I plan to be up next week and hope to see the babies myself.  I would love to see them hitching a ride on Mamma back.


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