
We were up at the lake last weekend and did get out on the lake.  Among the usual sightings, we sat 4 otters at the south end of the lake.  What a treat.  I think I had seen them a month ago or so, but I couldn’t be sure as they were swimming underwater.  This time there was no doubt.  Definitely four otters out having a great time on Duck Lake.

Here are some pictures.

Otters at Duck Lake
Otters at Duck Lake
More Otters at Duck Lake
More Otters at Duck Lake
Still More Otters at Duck Lake
Still More Otters at Duck Lake
Even Still More Otters at Duck Lake
Even Still More Otters at Duck Lake
All 4 Otters at Duck Lake
All 4 Otters at Duck Lake

I hope you get a chance to get out on the lake and see these wonderful creatures.  They are fun to watch.


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