Water Lily

Back to the Lake

It has been a while since we’ve been on the lake.  This morning was a beautiful morning to go.  The temps were cool, the winds…

Birds, Turtles, and Water Lilies

We finally got back on the lake this morning.  It is going to be a warm day, so we wanted to get out early.  We…

Quiet on the Lake

We went out for a mid-morning paddle.  The lake was very quiet.  We had a very smooth surface and very little animal activity.  So, there’s…

Flat Waters

It was a beautiful morning to be on the lake.  After a few windy days, the lake was very calm.  We saw a trio of…
Heron in Dead Tree

A Lovely Morning Paddle

We headed out to the lake last weekend with a couple friends from OCC.  Neither had been out yet this year, so it was great…

Quiet Morning on the Lake

We’ve been away for a couple weeks.  We finally got out on the lake yesterday morning and found it to be very quiet.  Gone were…

Back to the Lake

We made it back to the lake last weekend.  It is so good to see all the familiar sights of the lake; the birds, turtles,…

Highlights from the Lake

It has been a while since I’ve posted any photos from the lake.  Here are some of the highlights from the week or so. Last…

A Calm Morning on the Lake

Thursday morning, July 5.  I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.  I am constantly surprised by how quiet Duck Lake can be.  After…
Bald Eagle in Pine Tree

Bald Eagle and Red Headed Woodpeckers

It was a bright, sunny morning on the lake.  We had no more than started heading toward the south end of the lake when we…