Saturday Morning Kayak

Another great morning to be in the kayak.  Yesterday was overcast, but the waters were calm.  Here are a few photos. (Click to enlarge)

Another Day in the Kayak

On Sunday, I got back out in the kayak.  The water wasn’t quite as smooth as the day before, but the birds were just as…

Beautiful Spring Morning in the Kayak

It has been three weeks since we’ve been up to OCC, but finally got there this weekend.  We couldn’t have asked for better weather.  Saturday…

Spring Comes to OCC

It looks like spring has finally come to OCC.  The ice is off the lake. OK, so there is still snow in the shady areas…

Winter Morning

It has been far too long since we’ve been up to Duck Lake.  Last time was to see some of the spectacular fall color.  Now,…

More Fall Color

It had been two weeks since we had been to the cabin.  The color has been absolutely magnificent this year.  Two weeks ago we found…

A late start

Got out on the lake a bit later than usual today.  I also haven’t posted the photos I took last week, but I guess I’m…

More from the Lake

Back in the kayak over the last couple days.  I wanted to share some more photos.  There is always something interesting to see on the…

And the Evening was Just as Nice

Here are some of the sights from an evening kayak. Another beautiful evening on the lake. Mark

The Morning on the Lake was For the Birds

A beautiful morning on the lake in the kayak.  No wind, bright sunshine, cool temperatures, and even the jet skis were being polite.  I didn’t…