Quiet Morning on the Lake

Just got back from a morning kayak on Duck Lake.  It was a very quiet morning.  There wasn’t much moving around out there.

The waters were pretty calm, just enough of a ripple to provide some nice reflections of the reeds.

Reflection of Reeds in Water
Reflection of Reeds in Water

There were several kingfishers looking for breakfast.

Kingfisher Looking for Breakfast
Kingfisher Looking for Breakfast

There was a pair of green herons on the far side of the lake (the east side).  These two photos are of the same one.  I missed the other as it flew away.

Green Heron on Duck Lake
Green Heron on Duck Lake
Green Heron on Duck Lake
Green Heron on Duck Lake

There weren’t many turtles sunning themselves this morning.  This one kindly posed for me.

Closeup of Turtle Head
Closeup of Turtle Head

So, although it was a quiet morning, there was plenty to enjoy.  I hope you enjoy your day and the week to come.


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