This is the time of year when the flowers in Rose’s flower beds are really beautiful. Although I took these photos a couple weeks ago, and things change every day, they are still beautiful. Here are some photos from the garden and yard.
Hostas (aka Deer Candy or Deer Salad) have a nice blossom.

The butterflies seem to like monarda.

Rose always plants zinnias in the vegetable garden. They always look great, so many colors.

Speaking of the vegetable garden, we can’t forget the tomatoes.

There were a couple dragon flies flying around. They hardly sit still long enough to get a picture, but I was fortunate with these two.

There was also no shortage of bees in the yard, hovering around the clover and burdock.

The south end of a bee headed north, this bee is headed home.

So, here it is August already. Where has the summer gone? Take time to enjoy all the days have to offer.