The evenings came early in Rome in November, long before time for dinner. On our first evening in Rome, I stepped out of the hotel, walked 2 blocks, and had this view of St. Peter’s.

I also found this stained glass window, but unfortunately, don’t remember where it was other than near St. Peter’s.

Our second evening, we stepped out onto the street and saw the sunset over Saint Peter’s. WOW!

Here is the dome in the sunset.

Another view.

This one was a bit unsettling. Note the evil-looking cloud on the left side of the photo.

We took a walk down Via della Conciliazione to Corso Vittorio Emanuele II to get a view of a couple of the bridges over the River Tiber.

The views from Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II to Ponte Sant’Angelo and Castel Sant’Angelo were quite nice.

Ponte Sant’Angelo leads directly to Castel Sant’Angelo.

After our walk, it was time for dinner.
Really wonderful photos, Mark. Looks like you had a fabulous trip.
you had some magnificent skies!!
very pretty views.