Pilgrimage to Italy – Day 1

We are just back from a wonderful trip to Italy.  We were gone 11 days and visited the cities of Assisi, Florence, Siena, and Rome, and saw many beautiful churches, cathedrals, and basilicas.  I will share some of the photos I took while in Italy and, hopefully, a bit about the sites we saw.

I’ll break the trip down into small segments rather than blast you with everything at once.  So, let’s start with a bit about the trip.

Fr. Robert Creagan of the Kalamazoo, MI, diocese let the pilgrimage.  The parish of St. Catherine of Siena is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, so, what better time for a pilgrimage to Italy?

We arrived at the airport in Rome on Wednesday, November 2, and were met by Evan, our tour director, and Adriano, our bus driver.  Our tour started with a two hour drive to Assisi, giving us a chance to either catch up on much needed sleep, or to enjoy the Umbrian countryside.

Umbrian Countryside
Umbrian Countryside

Umbria is known for its small hill-towns.  We passed by several on our way to Assisi.

Umbrian Hill Town
Umbrian Hill Town
Umbrian View from the Bus
Umbrian View from the Bus
Another Umbrian Hilltown
Another Umbrian Hilltown

We finally came into view of Assisi.  Assisi is composed of the older town on top of the hill, and a newer area in the valley below.  Of course, old and new are relative.

First View of Assisi
First View of Assisi

We got a good view of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Saint Mary of the Angels).  The city of Los Angeles is named after this church.  More on Santa Maria in another post.

Santa Maria degli Angeli
Santa Maria degli Angeli
Dome of Santa Maria degli Angeli
Dome of Santa Maria degli Angeli
Santa Maria degli Angeli and Basilica di San Francesco d'Assisi
Santa Maria degli Angeli and Basilica di San Francesco d’Assisi

We finally pulled into the hotel and were able to freshen up before dinner.  I was also able to take several photos of Assisi from the hotel.  This one is of the hillside looking to Assisi.

View of Assisi from Hotel
View of Assisi from Hotel

Well, that wraps up our first day in Italy.  We had a wonderful dinner and got some sleep.  The next day, we toured Assisi, and so, I’ll continue there with the next post.


5 thoughts on “Pilgrimage to Italy – Day 1

  1. The pictures are beautiful!!! I love the descriptions you wrote under each one! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  2. Mark,

    Thanks for sharing your photos. Gerry and I visited each of the cities on your tour, so your photos bring back a lot of memories. Also, thank you for the crucifix medal blessed by Pope Francis. I put it on as soon as I got home on Sunday. Looking forward to the next series of photos.

    1. Thanks for the comments, Vito. I’m glad these photos bring back fond memories. There are many more to share, so stay tuned.

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