Art in the Streets of Assisi

There are many interesting pieces of art along the streets of Assisi.  Here are some of pieces I saw along the way.

This light fixture was quite unique.

Chicken Light Fixture
Chicken Light Fixture

One common theme is the Madonna with Child.  All different and all beautiful.

Madonna #1
Madonna #1
Madonna #2
Madonna #2
Madonna #3
Madonna #3
Madonna #4
Madonna #4
Madonna #5
Madonna #5

Of course, St. Francis is also present.

St. Francis
St. Francis

Art is also in the form of fountains.


And the iron rings along the walls once used to tie up horses.

Iron Ring to Tie Horses
Iron Ring to Tie Horses

And, I have no idea what this statue represents.

Statue along the Temple of Minerva
Statue along the Temple of Minerva

Not sure who this is, either.


This was my favorite.  There is an inscription below that says “Scendi le scale e troverai l ostello dove nacque Francesco il poverello” which translates to “Go down the stairs and you’ll find the hostel where Francis was born the poor man.”

Along Temple of Minerva
Along Temple of Minerva

So, with that, I’ll close for today.  Thanks for hanging in with me on this journey.


4 thoughts on “Art in the Streets of Assisi

    1. My pleasure. We all see something different. Our trip through Assisi was a simple walk up one street. I would have love to have explored other streets.

      This is my 6th posting and I’m still on the one day in Assisi. I’ve still got 9 days to go!

  1. beauty is everywhere. i always found it amazing that this type of art has weathered and worn for hundreds of years and they are not concerned at all about it deteriorating. in our country, they even prohibit photography (flash) in museums but it is accepted in other countries ~ they simply say, “it has survived hundreds of years, a few photographs will not do any harm.” At any rate, I am happy to see street art, especially in Europe. thanks for the tour.

    1. Actually, there were several of the churches that did not allow any photography, others that did not allow flash photos. The mosaics in Rome were OK to photograph. The art acadamy in Florence was OK to photograph anything. It varied with location.

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