Botanic Gardens at TC Commons

We discovered a real gem at TC Commons last weekend, the Botanic Gardens.  We stopped at the visitor center and were offered a free guided tour.  So glad we did it.  Not only did we see the grounds, but inside the two large barns on the property.  The first barn was being set up for a wedding reception the next day.  The second barn has not been renovated and still is a 1950’s dairy barn, complete with all the stanchions.  

Milking Barn at TC Commons Botanical Garden
Milking Barn at TC Commons Botanical Garden


Milking Barn at TC Commons Botanical Garden
Milking Barn at TC Commons Botanical Garden

The grounds are not at their seasonal peak right now, but were still quite nice.

Pumpkin Posts
Pumpkin Posts

The old horse barn was dilapidated to the point that it had to be torn down, all but the foundation.  Inside they have set up a garden space, laid out with “stalls” to replicate the original.

Horse Barn Gardens
Horse Barn Gardens

This tombstone marks the place where Traverse Colantha Walker is buried.  Colantha was a world’s champion milk producer, producing over 200,000 pounds of milk in her lifetime.

Tombstone for Traverse Colantha Walker
Tombstone for Traverse Colantha Walker

Once we were back to the visitor’s center, we were shown the tunnel to the root cellar, now used for storage of bulbs, etc.  Oh, I forgot to mention that the visitor’s center used to be the granary.  

Tunnel to Root Cellar
Tunnel to Root Cellar

Be sure to check out the Botanical Garden at TC Commons.  And, get the guided tour.  


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