Something to Whet your Appetite

We are starting to get some color in the north Michigan woods.  It is just a few trees here and there, nothing wide-spread, yet.  It’s coming.  It will be here soon.

But, just to whet the appetite, here are some photos from last weekend’s tour through the woods.

Manistee River from Under No. 29 1/2 Rd. Bridge
Manistee River from Under No. 29 1/2 Rd. Bridge
Manistee River Overlook
Manistee River Overlook
Old Iron Bridge over Manistee River
Old Iron Bridge over Manistee River

I hope to get back up there in a couple weeks and see spectacular color.  I hope you get to enjoy the colors wherever you are.


6 thoughts on “Something to Whet your Appetite

  1. lovely peek at what’s to come. i have some sunburnt japanese maple leaves in the yard for color and there really is not much color in the mountains with so many pines and evergreens, but they should be lovely in the snow this year. supposed to snow up there next Monday.

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