Guest Photographer – Jane Shoup

We are all in for a treat today. It is a long post, but I don’t think you will be disappointed.  Today’s post is dedicated to the images of another photographer on Duck Lake, Jane Shoup.  Jane and her husband Ron are on the peninsula of Duck Lake.  Ron called me yesterday to tell me of a great day in the kayak and about all the pictures Jane had taken.  Jane has been kind enough to share some of her photos with us.  These have all been taken this summer and I’ve provided dates where I have them.  I think you will be impressed with the photos and the diversity of wildlife we have on Duck Lake.  So, thank you, Jane, for sharing these images.

Turtle on Log
Turtle on Log
Turtle Close-up
Turtle Close-up

Some great turtle pictures.

Deer at South End of Lake
Deer at South End of Lake
Deer at South End of Lake
Deer at South End of Lake
Three Deer at South End of Lake - Aug 5, 2013
Three Deer at South End of Lake – Aug 5, 2013

All of these deer were seen at the south end of the lake in the mid-morning.

Gar Pike - 5 of them
Gar Pike – 5 of them
Gar Pike
Gar Pike

I’ve only ever seen one of these in the lake.  I think it is very unusual to have 5 of them all bunched up like the upper picture.

Loon Family - North End of Lake
Loon Family – North End of Lake
Trio of Loons - Aug 4, 2013
Trio of Loons – Aug 4, 2013
Loon - Aug 5, 2013
Loon – Aug 5, 2013

The upper photo is the loon family at the north end of the lake.  Jane has seen the loon family at the south end of the lake, too.  I know I told several of you that I was worried that the baby loon at the south end had met an untimely end because of my hearing a very distressful call followed by close-up views of a pair of loons near the south end of the lake Sunday morning.  Ron and Jane have assured me that the young loon is alive and well, seen with its parents on Monday.  Apparently the pair of loons I saw on Sunday were the mid-lake pair.  So, we have three pairs of loons on the lake this year, two with babies.

Merganser Family - 13 Babies!
Merganser Family – 13 Babies!
More Mergansers
More Mergansers

The merganser ducks are a prolific lot.  The upper photo shows mom with 13 young ones.  I saw them over the weekend in the south cove, but the upper photo is far better than anything I got.  The lower photo is apparently taken some time later.

Mink - Aug 5, 2013
Mink – Aug 5, 2013
Mink - Aug 5, 2013
Mink – Aug 5, 2013

Another surprise, Jane saw at least 5 minks at the southern end of the lake near the inlet.  She got as close as a kayak paddle length away from one of them.  They put on quite a show.

Eagle - Aug 3, 2013
Eagle – Aug 3, 2013
Eagle - Aug 5, 2013
Eagle – Aug 5, 2013

I had been told that there were a pair of eagles with a nest at the south end of the lake this year.  I haven’t seen them, but Jane watched this one for some time from her kayak.  She was hoping it would fly so she could get a picture of that, but it just sat in the tree,  That gives you something to go back for, Jane.

So, thank you, Jane, for sharing all these wonderful photos.  I am anxious to get back up there and see some of these great animals myself.  I hope to see you on the lake.

I will leave you with one last photo taken by Jane last May.  From her vantage point on the east side of the lake, she is treated to some wonderful sunsets.  Here is one of her favorites.

Sunset May 26, 2013
Sunset May 26, 2013

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