St Patrick Catholic Church – Parnell MI

I visited St. Patrick Catholic Church at Parnell, MI, established in 1844.  The current church, completed in 1878 and most recently renovated in 1989 to 1993 is the 4th church for the parish as others were either out-grown or lost to fire.

The steeple of this country church stands well above the surrounding fields.

St. Patrick Church from the Cemetery
St. Patrick Church from the Cemetery

The parish cemetery across the road provides the perfect foreground for the church.

Note the fieldstone rectory to the left of the church that was built in 1910.

St. Patrick Church from the Cemetery
St. Patrick Church from the Cemetery


St. Patrick Church from the Cemetery
St. Patrick Church from the Cemetery

The cemetery has headstones dating back to at least the mid-1800s.  Here are some of the more interesting stones I saw.










I returned to the church in the evening, just before sunset.

St Patrick Church at Sunset
St Patrick Church at Sunset

In my next post I will share the beautiful altar and stained-glass windows.


4 thoughts on “St Patrick Catholic Church – Parnell MI

  1. These are such beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing them. We’ll have to visit this church sometime.

  2. What a sweet little church with some beautiful headstones in the graveyard. Your last shot is so wonderful.

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