Cross Country Skiing at Sleeping Bear Dunes

It has been a beautiful day in northern Michigan.  We had a bit of fresh snow overnight, the temperature is in the upper 20s, and the sun is shining brightly.  We went cross country skiing this morning at the Old Indian Trail in Sleeping Bear Dunes.  Here’s the web link to their site.  We did the green arrow loop.  It has lots of small ups and downs, but nothing long or steep.  We also did the additional spur out to Lake Michigan.  Wow, the dunes and lake look so different in the winter.  

Here is our first glimpse of the lake.  Do we want to walk all the way down?  Sure!

First View of the Lake
First View of the Lake


First View of the Lake
First View of the Lake

As we got around the last dune we could see Sleeping Bear.

View Toward the Sleeping Bear
View Toward the Sleeping Bear


View Toward the Sleeping Bear
View Toward the Sleeping Bear

A ball of wire had washed up on shore which in the summer would have been an ugly reminder to be careful how we dispose of things like this, but in the winter, each wave added a layer of ice and sand to form this work of Nature’s art.

Wire and Ice
Wire and Ice

This snow drift was along the trail.

Sculpted Snow Drift
Sculpted Snow Drift

This stump has been along the trail for years.

Stump, Snow, and Dune
Stump, Snow, and Dune

How many years ago did these trees die as the dune encroached on their territory?

Skeletons of Trees on the Dune
Skeletons of Trees on the Dune

The dune grasses hold the sand in summer and the snow in winter.

Snow in the Dune Grass
Snow in the Dune Grass

The dune is transformed by the snow.

We left our skis at the base of the dune and hiked to the lake in our ski boots.  We are about to resume our ski back to the trailhead.

Back off the Dune
Back off the Dune


Skis Waiting off the Dune
Skis Waiting off the Dune

So, we skied a bit over 2 miles with a little over half a mile or so to the lake and back.  It was a great day to explore Sleeping Bear Dunes.

7 thoughts on “Cross Country Skiing at Sleeping Bear Dunes

  1. Beautiful blue skies and sunshine! I love the sculpted snow drift and the image of your skis 🙂 looks like great fun. I miss my snowshoes. NO snow to speak of almost all winter long, and NO rain here. We are in trouble this summer unless the skies open up and pour for the next two months. We are not even at half the level of normal right now. So sad for California. Take care! I may be a Grandma this week, it is getting close!

  2. Love the pictures, Mark. We haven’t made it up to Michigan yet this winter, but we did get to San Diego last month for a wedding and a quick trip up to the LA area to see the kids. Hope to get Up North while there is still some snow for skiing. Glad that you had such a beautiful day to be outdoors.

    1. San Diego vs. northern Michigan in the winter… Hmm. I think you make a good choice. Congratulations on the wedding. Better hurry if you want to catch some good snow up here.

  3. Very nice photos, Mark. It certainly is a different world in the wintertime. Looks like there’s not as much snow as some years!

    1. Hi,Mara. Thanks. True, it has been a milder winter than some in the past. Of course, right on the lakeshore there is typically less snow than just a short distance inland. The lake isn’t frozen over, so it still moderates the temperatures right along the shore.

  4. Beautiful pictures Mark,happy for you & Rose to be able to enjoy doing all your doing,taking in the beauty of our wonderful world.

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