We did manage to hit the peak color in the area this last weekend. We did a couple hikes and got some photos to share.
The first hike was in the TC Commons. We had never walked in these woods that are so close to all the attractions in the commons and yet feels so isolated from the city.

There is a large cistern in the woods that has been decorated by numerous people over time. Here’s a small sample.

There is a nature area between Northport and Leland, Houdek Dunes Natural Area. We had never been there, either. It is a wonderful walk through the woods.
I loved this huge maple tree.
The last stop is closer to OCC. These were taken from one of the cul-de-sacs off Florey’s Ranch Rd. That’s Duck Lake in the background.
It was a wonderful weekend to be in northwest Michigan. The color was spectacular.
One week makes a huge difference, doesn’t it? We enjoyed some good color on our drive south last week but love the color you are showing us in our own area. Thanks
Happy fall! We are fortunate to be able to enjoy the beauty of northern Michigan.(. Houdek Dunes area has lots of lady slippers in the spring.)