Birds of Duck Lake

It was a perfectly calm morning on the lake.  The surface was like glass.  In our kayaks we headed over to the point with all the logs in the water to see the turtles sunning themselves.  However, there were no turtles.  In fact, as we paddled toward the south end of the lake, there were no turtles, no birds, no wildlife at all.  Continuing along the western shore, finally I spotted a few birds, cedar waxwings and grackles.

Cedar Wax Wing
Cedar Waxwing


Cedar Wax Wing
Cedar Waxwing


Cedar Wax Wing
Cedar Waxwing



I had about decided that this was all I would see today when I spotted something in a pine tree, a bald eagle.  It sat on a branch looking out over the water, paying no attention to me.  So, I paddled back and forth looking for a good angle to get a photo.  Here’s what I got.

Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle


Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle


Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle


Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

Rose also saw a great blue heron in another pine tree, but we didn’t get the shot.  So, we’ll have to keep an eye open the that one another day.


6 thoughts on “Birds of Duck Lake

  1. Hi Mark —
    Great pictures! Where was the Eagle? Usually we see them on the east side of the lake near Horton Creek (mostly in the pine trees). These photos look like a different part of the lake.

    1. Thanks, Chris. The eagle was in a pine tree along the south west shore, just past the last docks in the lake. This was the first I’ve seen of the eagles this season, but in previous years I’ve seen them on both sides of the lake near the south end. I’ve been told they are more frequently seen at the north end of the lake, but that’s a long paddle in my kayak.

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